Victoria Plus Silent VS 1HP Variable Speed Pump


Pump designed for both new installations and replacement of already installed pumps.



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Product Description

Victoria Plus Silent VS

ENERGY SAVINGS - Victoria PLUS SILENT VS variable speed pumps save up to 80% energy by running longer at lower speeds.


Victoria Plus Silent residential pool pump platform with 1 HP and 2 HP powers with automatic speed variation and control.

Pump designed for both new installations and replacement of already installed pumps.

Thanks to the use of variable speed and time programming, significant energy savings can be achieved.


  • The pump is compatible with the Fluidra Connect.

    HMI control integrated into the pump with the possibility of wall installation for better use.

    A good level of comfort is achieved by reducing the noise level.

    Digital inputs and outputs for coordinated operation with the rest of the installation, such as with salt electrolysis or heat pumps.

    Includes power factor corrector to reduce consumption intensity.

    No external power supply required for Fluidra Connect.

  • Connectivity - control, configure and update from the app .



For more information, see the Technical Data Sheet-PT

For more information, see the Technical Data Sheet-DE

For more information, see the IT Technical Sheet

For more information, see the Technical Data Sheet-NL