Flammable Lutz Fluid Transfer Pump, AISI316 Stainless Steel, ME-II-3 Ex Engine


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Product Description

The transfer of flammable or toxic liquids represents a challenge for the safety of people and the environment. At Lutz you will find the ideal solution for your security. Lutz has developed a range of specific products for transferring this type of liquid, bombas tubulares for transferring and emptying drums and containers.

Any project requires concentration. Once the objective is well defined, tude becomes easier. Using the right tools, it becomes even faster. There are no more spills and waste and there is no harm to the environment and possible accidents. 80% of transfer jobs can be carried out with our most basic equipment, including neutral, aggressive or highly corrosive fluids. Using our guide you can easily choose the right pump for the job, depending on the fluid in question.

Exemplos de líquidos:

Acetone, Alcohol, Ether, Formic Acid, Gasoline, Solvents, etc.

For use on drums and drums.
Wide range of applications thanks to a sealless construction.

Para fluídos inflamáveis.

Siatema de vedação:
Construction free of mechanical packing (SL)

Comprimento de imersão:
1000 mm

Free of mechanical seal.
PTFE supports
easy maintenance

Modelo SS41 + ME-II-3
Body AISI 316 stainless steel
Packing: Exempt
Mechanical packing: Exempt
bushings pure carbon
He came: AISI 316 stainless steel
Impeller: ETFE
impeller type: R
Dip tube diameter 41mm
Maximum ambient temperature: 100°C
Connections: Male 11/4" - 19-32mm
Dip tube length: 1000 mm
Maximum flow (water at 20ºC) 178 l/m
Maximum lifting height (water at 20°C): 9 mca
Maximum viscosity: 200 cps
Maximum density: 1.2 kg/dm 3
engine power: 452W
Voltage: 230V
Frequency: 50 Hz
Certification: AtEx 100

Note: The flow rate decreases proportionally with increasing fluid viscosidade . densidade also affects flow rate.

For more information, refer to the Pump Parts List


Modelo SS41 + ME-II-3
Corpo Aço inox AISI 316
Empanque: Isenta
Emapanque mecânico:  Isenta
Casquilhos Carbono puro
Veio: Aço inox AISI 316
Impulsor:  ETFE
Tipo de impulsor: R
Diâmetro tubo de imersão 41 mm
Temperatura ambiente máxima: 100 ºC
Ligações: Macho 11/4" - 19-32 mm
Comprimento do tubo imersão: 1000 mm
Caudal máximo (água a 20ºC) 178 l/m
Altura de elevação máxima (água a 20ºC): 9 m.c.a.
Viscosidade máxima: 200 cps
Densidade máxima: 1,2 Kg/dm3
Potência motor: 452 W
Tensão: 230 V
Frequência: 50 Hz
Certificação: AtEx 100


Para mais informação, consulte a Lista Peças Bomba