
Its main function is to line the walls and bottom of the pool to protect the screen/liner from aggression caused by the base structure, also functioning as barreira térmica e antifúngica.


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Product Description


Its main function is to protect the coating from erosion caused by the structure, as well as prolonging the life of the reinforced screen.

Geotextile polypropylene felt, treated with natural metal-ion antibacterial additives, to perform a continuous antibacterial function.

It is used as a protective layer between the screen and the pool surface, preventing the proliferation of bacteria, fungi and microorganisms and disguising the surface of the pool.

irregular surfaces that the pool may have before applying the screen, also functioning as a thermal and anti-fungal barrier.

Furthermore, it provides a much more pleasant sensation for the bather when walking on top of the screen.

Importance of using geotextile

Geotextile is a harmless polypropylene mesh.

It is composed of synthetic fibers with fungicidal treatment, whose main value is its mechanical resistance to perforation and traction.

Easy-to-use polyester geotextile felt that adapts perfectly to all shapes.

Using this blanket allows for a better finish.

Felt with 300 grams. and 3 mm thick

Felt with 500 grams. and 6.5 mm thick, ideal for protecting Solidbric type polystylene walls.

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