Zodiac Ei2 Salt Electrolysis

Zodiac Ei2 Salt Electrolysis

Product Name Price Delivery Expedição Qty
Salt Electrolysis Ei2 12 - 12 g/h - pools up to 50 m3




Salt Electrolysis Ei2 20 - 20 g/h - pools up to 90 m3




Salt Electrolysis Ei2 25 - 25 g/h - pools up to 110 m3




Product Description


Saline chlorinators are an automatic and efficient disinfection solution. Easy to use, they provide complete water treatment and reduce maintenance.

Easy to install and use, saline chlorinators allow complete pool treatment with minimal maintenance.

Production capacities of 12, 20 and 25g/h . Ideal for private pools up to 110m 3 .

How they work Salt electrolysis is a simple principle that is similar to the behaviour of the sea and its ecosystem. The water in the pool is slightly salty at 4 g/l (9 times less than seawater ) . With electrolysis, the salt is transformed into chlorine gas through the cell, a powerful disinfectant that dissolves instantly in the water. The chlorine gas destroys all microorganisms in the cell and provides the pool with the correct level of free chlorine. The active chlorine (HOCl) eliminated under the effect of the sun's UV rays is constantly renewed by the cell without the need for any intervention.
For electrolysis to work properly, the pool's pH must be maintained between 7,2 and 7,6 . All Zodiac® saline chlorinators are equipped with high-quality, long-lasting titanium electrode cells, which guarantee peace of mind for the user.
  • Durable - titânio de alta qualidade electrodes provide peace of mind for the user. Long-lasting cell up to 7.500 hours.
  • Easy Installation - Thanks to its “IPX5” protection rating and its patented “Quick Fix” cell, Ei2 can be installed anywhere, quickly and easily.
  • Quick Installation - The easiest saline chlorinator to install, thanks to its patented “Quick Fix” cell, Ei 2 for quick installation, in less than 10 minutes

SPECIFICATIONS Maintenance-free: Cells with self-cleaning by polarity inversion
Safety system: Automatic stop in case of lack of flow in the cell.
Water resistant: Water resistant control unit ( IPX5) that can be installed anywhere.
Unconditional warranty: The control unit and treatment cell are repaired or replaced during the unconditional warranty period.



