Magnapool ZODIAC Hydroxinator iQ

Product Name Price Delivery Qty
Zodiac Dual Link Module - special price
Hydroxinator iQ - 10gr/h



Hydroxinator iQ - 18 gr/h



Hydroxinator iQ - 22 gr/h



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Product Description

The MagnaPool system combines two natural minerals, magnesium and potassium, to disinfect pool water, providing the user with an incomparable bathing experience.

This water treatment solution naturally converts magnesium minerals into magnesium hydroxide, a soft and delicate element that acts as a clarifier, with the aim of retaining all the impurities present in the water, including the finest ones. Without these impurities, bacteria do not develop in the water and are eliminated from the pool.

The Hydroxinator MagnaPool then generates chlorine that is not synthetic (or inorganic): this is the beginning of hydroxynation. The chlorine produced without the help of chemical products fully protects the quality of the water without harming the environment.

MagnaPoo l is a magnesium-based system that revolutionizes water treatment.

Magnesium, an extraordinarily beneficial power of nature.
Present in sea water as well as in the human body and in all living tissues (it is the main component of chlorophyll), magnesium is one of the essential minerals necessary for our body to function properly. The relaxing virtues of a magnesium-enriched bath have been recognized for many years. In particular, we know that magnesium is beneficial for soothing pain, caring for the skin, and for alleviating muscle problems.

Patented Magnesium Water Treatment The patented MagnaPool technology combines the clarifying properties of magnesium with an exceptionally powerful filtration system.

MagnaPool combines 3 products to obtain a pool enriched with minerals, perfectly healthy, balanced and environmentally friendly:
1. MagnaPool Proprietary Minerals, dissolved in pool water.
2. Crystal Clear , with exceptional filtering capacity.
3. Hydroxinator , a unique 3 treatment system that automatically purifies water by hydroxynation.

Swimming pool enriched with minerals with exceptional transparency MagnaPool allows to obtain an extraordinary water quality, without the need to add chemical products for its disinfection. All this is possible thanks to the combination of two innovative factors: the clarifying power of the magnesium present in Magnapool minerals and the exceptional filtering capacity of the Crystal Clear filter medium.


For more information, consult the Technical Data Sheet or the Electrolysis Catalogue .
