GE flow switch


Fluxostato é um dispositivo para detecção e transmissão à distância de falta de caudal.


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Product Description

Flow switch is a device for detection and remote transmission of lack of flow.

- Protection of pumps against the decrease or lack of flow.
- Sequential control of pump actuation.
- Automatic starting of auxiliary pumps and machines.
- Action on alarm or signaling systems.
- Stopping of water cooling process equipment when the flow is interrupted.
- Turn off the burners when there is a failure in the air supply to the heating coil.

Connection: 1" male
Suitable for pipes from 1" to 8"
Maximum working pressure: 10 Bar
Maximum fluid temperature: 110°C
Voltage: 250 VAC
Intensity: 10 A
Protection: IP 54
Painted steel box
brass connector
Stainless steel tongues

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