Multiaction Tablets CTX-392 5Kg




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Product Description

The pastilhas CTX-392 Multiação have a multiaction function in 250 g tablets with simultaneous desinfetante , algicida and floculante function.

With a single application in the pool water it is possible to eliminate bacteria, viruses and micro-organisms in general.

It offers, in a single product, the action of a chlorinated disinfectant, a flocculant action, and also an algaecide.
Ideal for swimming pools built with ceramic materials.
Prevents the development of algae.
Keeps the water transparent and crystal clear.

Tratamento inicial
Add 15 g of Dichlorine Granules CTX-200/Gr ClorShock 55% for each m3 of water.
After 2 hours, adjust the pH of the water between 7.2 and 7.6 using pH Lowering CTX-10 pH- or pH increasing CTX-20 pH+.


Tratamento de manutenção
With the pH of the water adjusted, add a 200 g tablet of CTX-392 Multiação for every 20 m3 of water every 7 or 10 days.


Para mais informação, consulte  a Ficha Técnica