DOLPHIN Classic Pool Vacuum Cleaner


The Maytronics Robot Active ClassicDolphin is the robot that stands out for its active triple brushing system as well as a digital power supply that represents a considerable advance in the robotic pool cleaner technology sector:



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Product Description

Dolphin Classic
The Dolphin Classic is a pool cleaning robot developed by Maytronics , designed to offer efficient and complete cleaning of the bottom, walls and waterline of residential swimming pools.
This model is renowned for its reliability and consistent performance, ensuring a clean pool with minimal effort on the part of the user.
  • Dolphin Active Classic Pool Robot Equivalent Models

    Dolphin Zenit 15

    Dolphin EX 45

Main Highlights

  • Cleaning Cover: Capable of efficiently cleaning the bottom, walls and waterline of the pool, ensuring complete sanitation.

  • Cleaning Cycle: It has a standard 2.5 hour cycle, enough time for a deep cleaning of the pool.

  • Filtration System: Equipped with a fine filter kit, ensuring effective removal of debris and particles. Additionally, it includes an ultra-fine filter kit for even more precise filtration.

  • Cable with Anti-Tangle System: The 18-meter cable incorporates an anti-tangle system, allowing the robot to move freely without interruptions.

Additional Benefits:

  • Simplified Maintenance: Top access to the filter makes cleaning and maintenance of the equipment easier.

  • Lightweight Design: Although robust, the robot's design is lightweight, making it easy to handle and operate.

The Dolphin Classic stands out as an effective solution for pool owners looking for efficiency, ease of use and consistent results in cleaning their pools.

Optional transport cart


Bottom: Yes
Walls: Yes
Waterline: Yes
Remote control: No
Cleaning cycles (h): 2.5 h
Traction system: Caterpillars
Schedule: No
Internal timer: -
Cable swivel: Yes
Cable length (m): 18
Transport car: No
Suction flow rate (m3/h): 17
Filter capacity (l): -
Water temperature measurement: No
Filter Type: Combined basket / Fine and Ultra-Fine
Food: 230V - 30 VDC
Engines: 2
Pool size (m): Up to 12 m long

O sistema de digitalização usa software de navegação avançado.  Graças a ele, o robô realiza uma varredura precisa do tamanho da sua piscina, o que garante uma cobertura ideal e uma limpeza eficiente.

Smart cleaning
The scanning system uses advanced navigation software .
Thanks to it, the robot performs a precise scan of the size of your pool, which guarantees ideal coverage and efficient cleaning.

O Dolphin Active Classic tem um pincel ativo na frente e outro atrás.  Além disso, ambas as escovas incorporam dois anéis de PVA que garantem uma maior aderência e uma limpeza mais exigente da piscina.

Active cleaning
The Dolphin Active Classic comes with an active brush on the front and another on the back.
Furthermore, both brushes incorporate two PVA rings that guarantee greater grip and more demanding cleaning of the pool.

O sistema de mobilidade Power Stream permite melhorar a manobrabilidade do equipamento na água e garante aderência e sucção em todos os tipos de superfícies verticais para limpeza mais eficiente de paredes e linha d'água com varredura lateral.

Energy flow
The Power Stream mobility system improves equipment maneuverability
in water and ensures grip and suction on all types of vertical surfaces for more efficient cleaning of walls and waterlines with side sweeping.

O robô Dolphin Carrera tem uma fonte de alimentação de baixo consumo e fácil de usar: basta pressionar um botão para iniciar o limpador.

Plug&Play Power Supply
The Dolphin Carrera robot has a low-consumption power supply and is easy to use: just press a button to start the pool cleaner.

O aspirador robótico de piscina Dolphin Active Classic foi especialmente concebido para realizar uma limpeza profunda e eficaz do fundo, paredes e linha de água da piscina.

Cleaning type
The Dolphin Active Classic robotic pool cleaner is specially designed to perform a deep and effective cleaning of the pool.
bottom, walls and waterline of the pool.

Ciclo de limpeza de 2,5 horas, tempo mais que suficiente para realizar uma limpeza eficiente de qualquer tipo de piscina.

Cleaning cycle
de 2,5 hour cleaning cycle, more than enough time to efficiently clean any type of pool.

Todos os limpadores de piscinas da linha Active possuem um sistema de liberação rápida de água.  Graças a isso, é mais fácil extrair e manipular o robô dentro e fora da água.

Water release
All pool cleaners in the Active line have a quick water release system.
Thanks to this, it is easier to extract and manipulate the robot in and out of the water.

O aspirador vem com um carrinho de transporte que facilita o armazenamento, pois possui uma base para deixar o robô, um suporte para a fonte de alimentação e um gancho para enrolar o cabo.

Transport car
The vacuum cleaner comes with a carrying cart for easy storage,
as it has a base to leave the robot, a support for the power supply and a hook to wind the cable.

Sistema de filtragem de duplo nível por painéis que garante a limpeza, mesmo das menores partículas.  Inclui painéis ultrafinos e painéis de mola.

Two-level filtering
Double-level filtration system with panels that guarantees cleaning of even the smallest particles.
Includes ultra-thin panels and spring panels.

O comprimento do cabo do Active Classic é de 18 metros.  Este comprimento de cabo é recomendado para piscinas enterradas ou acima do solo com dimensões até 10 metros de comprimento.

Cable length
The Active Classic cable length is 18 meters .
This cable length is recommended for in-ground or above-ground pools measuring up to 10 meters in length.

O robô Active Classic incorpora um sistema anti-enrolamento de cabos.  O sistema giratório é um pivô giratório em uma seção do cabo que evita que o cabo se enrole enquanto o limpador se move pela piscina.

Rotary system
The Active Classic robot incorporates an anti-cable tangling system.
The swivel system is a rotating pivot on a section of the cable that prevents the cable from being entangled by the cleaner's movement across the pool.


For more information, see the User Manual.
