ENZYMATIC Anti-grease Concentrate


ANTIGORDURAS ENZIMÁTICO elimina a matéria orgânica da água.


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Product Description

ANTI-FAT ENZYMATIC "eliminates organic matter from water."

Enzyme Antigrease is an innovative formula based on active enzymes capable of effectively and quickly destroying the organic matter present in pool water.
Unwanted organic matter can accumulate in the water and pool walls for reasons such as excessive use of suntan lotions, summer storms, oils, lotions, hair, urine, etc., promoting the appearance and development of algae as well as reducing the effectiveness of disinfectants.

Before using Fat Burner Enzymatic adjust the pH level in your pool between the recommended levels of 7.2 and 7.6.

Modo de utilização:
The product is used by pouring it evenly over the entire surface of the pool water.

Shock treatment: In the case of green water and after checking that the chlorine level is below ppm, use 100 mL of product for each fraction of 10 m3 of water. Maintenance treatment: With the chlorine level below 1.5 ppm, use 70 mL of product for every 10 m3 of water every 15 days.

The dosages presented are merely indicative and may be adapted to the dirt and particular conditions of each pool.
Attention! Always be aware of the high concentration of the product before making changes to the dosage.

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