Winterizer CTX 551 5L




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Product Description

Special concentrated winterizer for Liner or Polyester pools that will keep the water in perfect condition during the winter period, preventing the formation of algae and bacteria. Save water by conserving it all winter.

Ideal para: Special for Liner or Polyester pools. Added value: Concentrated product for water maintenance during the winter, keeping the water in an optimal state so that it can be reused next season without having to empty the pool. Its concentration power allows you to purchase the exact amount of product to keep your pool in good condition during the winter.

Conselhos de utilização: At the end of the bathing season and without having suspended the maintenance treatment, carry out a superchlorination with Dichloro Granulados CTX-200Gr ClorShock (15 g/m3). The following day add 5 l of CTX-551 product for every 50 m3 of water. The pH value of the water should be between 7.2 - 7.6. Pour the required dose of product directly into the pool water. It is necessary to put the filtration equipment into operation long enough to obtain a good distribution of the product in the water. It is advisable to repeat the product addition in the middle of the winter season.


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