Etech-Franklin EV1 Vertical Centrifugal Pump - Qn: 1m3/h

ETech é a marca de bombas de alta qualidade em aço inoxidável da Franklin Electric. A sua produção ocorre na Franklin Electric S.r.l., uma empresa reconhecida pela sua elevada especialização em componentes para a indústria de bombeamento de todo o mundo.
Product Name Price Delivery Qty
Electric pump Etech-Franklin EV1/8, 230V

Product Description

E-Tech is Franklin Electric's brand of high-quality stainless steel pumps. Its production takes place at Franklin Electric Srl, a company recognized for its high specialization in components for the pumping industry around the world.

Centrifugal electric pumps were specially designed for increasing pressure in domestic and industrial water installations. All of its components in contact with water are made of stainless steel and are designed for applications in pressure equipment, refrigeration and heating systems. The pumps are available in AISI 304 and 316 versions, and stand out for their oversized coupling flange that allows easy and quick fitting with any standard motor, supporting all the axial load produced by the pump.

Boiler supply, recirculation of hot and cold water for heating, refrigeration and air conditioning, pumping of clean water in civil, industrial and agricultural applications, irrigation and sprinkling, water distribution and pressure groups, washing and cleaning systems, water tunnels vehicle washing, water treatment plants, reverse osmosis systems.

All components in contact with liquid in stainless steel for versions I and N.
Carbon diffuser bearing to guarantee durability in dry operation (EV 30- 45-65-95)
Easy disassembly without special tools
Easy installation, in-line impulsion and suction output
Hydraulics completely made of stainless steel to guarantee durability and high performance
New hydraulic design to maximize efficiency
Oversized motor support and upper bearing that protects the motor bearing and minimizes axial force on the pump
For models with powers greater than 4 kW (motor>30 kg), the mechanical lock can be replaced without removing the motor
Tungsten carbide shaft and ring bearings
Standard mechanical closure (EN 12756 exDIN 24960) WRAS certified, balanced to EV 30-45-65-95
WRAS certified floating ring, in PPS for EV 1-3-6-10 and in PTFE for EV 15-20-30-45-65-95
Standard high-efficiency IE3 motor with motor-pump coupling B14 up to 4 kW and B5 from 5.5 kW
Tungsten carbide intermediate bearings to stabilize the rotor and prevent vibrations

Clockwise rotation, observing the pump from the top
In-line impulsion and suction output
Working curves in accordance with ISO 9906, type 3
Liquid working temperature between -15 ºC and 120 ºC
Materials suitable for drinking water, WRAS, ACS, KTW certificate
Maximum working pressure: oval flange 16 bar, round flange and Victaulic and Clamp couplings 25 bar
Motores eficiência energética IE3 - MEI >= 0,7



